Global Classroom 2018
- Embrace our differences -
Ånge, Sweden
08-17 June 2018
So, what is this conference about?
Please watch this video from Denmark as an introduction!
The conference´s theme is about investigating stereotypical beliefs, biases and norms in our cultures.
How did we get them, how are they maintained and how do they differ between our countries?
The areas we want you to explore are gender roles, sexual identity, disabilities, religion and ethnicity/race. We also want to discuss the affect media/social media/Internet has on our view of the world and each other.
The goal is to get new knowledge, a wider perspective, a better understanding for our differences and a LOT of new, wonderful friends from all over the world!

The Conference
Welcome to Ånge!
June 8-17
We are very happy to welcome you to Ånge and the GC-conference 2018!
For information about our community, our tourist information webpage is t here (it should be in English, if not, just change language at the right top corner).
As for Ånge, it´s a small village. We have some restaurants and stores where you can buy grocery, locally produced food and souvenirs, books, clothes/shoes, ”outdoor equipment” and liquor (you know we have special stores for that? You´re allowed to buy from the age of 20, from 18 in a restaurant. Since the conference is non-alcoholic it doesn´t matter to you, but the teacher in me took over) .
Ånge is the geographical midpoint of Sweden, situated between Östersund and Sundsvall (100 km each way, approx 1,5 hrs by car or train). Östersund has 60 000 inhabitants, Sundsvall 85 000. In Ånge, we´re 9000 in the whole community, but maybe 2000 live "kind of" close to the center. Actually we have two ”main centers”, one in Ånge and one in Fränsta (20 min apart). There are around 80 kids born each year (too few really for populating our high school, which is a problem). If you look at a map of Sweden, you have about 9 million people living up to the north ”border” of Stockholm (2 million in Sthlm), and less than 1 million in the rest of the country up north. So you will see more trees than people when you get here...the rest, you´ll soon find out for yourself! Take the oppportunity to ask your host or people in your fb group if you have questions :) .
If you want to know more about Sweden in general, we have gathered some links for you below. Some are more serious, some are just for fun...enjoy!
Swedish freak: Both information and fun facts.
10 stereotypes about Swedes: Guess you´ll find out if they are true in June! ;)
10 things to know about Swedes: Even more? Oh are we complicated or what?!
Info about Sweden: A more serious website run by the County Administrative Boards of Sweden.
A small movie about our "allemansrätt": A freedom to roam/explore our nature. It´s on fb so it might not work for everyone!
Al Pitcher tries Swedish things: Go to the bottom of the list for the first program. It´s really commercials for a TV-station, but we think you´ll understand most of it since he is from NZ and speaks mostly English. "Surströmming" is a traditional dish from our part of Sweden - yes, it´s fermented/kind of rotten herring...if you will have to taste it? Well that will be a surprise, won´t it...
The Local: A newsletter primarily written by non-Swedes.
GC 2018: Theme
The conference´s theme is about investigating stereotypical beliefs, biases and norms in our cultures.
How did we get them, how are they maintained and how do they differ between our countries? The areas we want you to explore are gender roles, sexual identity, disabilities, religion and ethnicity/race. We also want to discuss the affect media/social media/Internet has on our view of the world and each other.
The goal is to get new knowledge, a wider perspective, a better understanding for our differences and a LOT of new, wonderful friends from all over the world!
Please watch this small video from Denmark as an introduction.
Task 1: Main task
In the major task, you are to investigate some of the stereotypes and norms that exist in your school/community/country.
​- What are they? Choose to look into gender roles, sexual identity, disabilities, religious beliefs or ethnicity /race.
​- Where do they come from?
​- How are they maintained?
​- How does it affect life (yours and others) in school, at home, in society?
- Are there any other opinions regarding this issue? From whom?
- Is all this good or bad?
Present your findings creatively - you may use any format you wish, but also include some written documentation showing your research sources and findings.
Your presentation should take approx. 15-20 min (no longer).
Task 2: Movie
Create a short movie (5-7 min) with situations/behaviors that are the reverse of the gender roles considered as “normal” at your school/in your society.
Since all countries are doing the same task, we want you to think a bit wider and not solely show the most obvious things.
During the movie, the audience will try to figure out the stereotypes, and write them down. Afterwards, we´ll take a moment and check if everybody got them. If not, you´ll get a chance to describe them.
To hand in:
- The movie
- A “checklist” where you briefly describe the stereotypes, and how they are reversed.
Task 3: National themeday
This task will be assigned to each national group for completion during the conference in Sweden.
Task 4: Song and dance
Your group is to present a song/dance to make you feel good! It should be inclusive.
It may highlight your traditions and cultures or the current cultural trends.
It might also play with our stereotypes regarding gender roles or something else connected to the theme.
This will be performed at our closing ceremony.
What to bring
We will give you a more detailed list, but to begin with:
Clothes that will allow you to be outdoors and active. Even if it rains.
Swedish spring is mostly not very warm so you will need jeans, a sweater and jacket.
But also - of course - swim wear!
Good shoes for walking, running and hiking. Gym shoes - hiking boots are a bit heavy!
Check out the whole list in the folder/program!
Kamilla Lundborg
Susanne Lövgren